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14. Porn In Class...

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

DISCLAIMER: Context is most definitely needed in regards to this title. Because it is not as bad as it may seem. Or so I may think...

Whilst back home and currently enduring the side effects of travelling: 'The Comedown', a lot of reflection has naturally arisen. This reflection has included looking at the last four months of my placement where I was teaching english. I had the perfect combination: working as a student teacher where I would receive respect from the students yet not have to deal with the prime responsibility of disciplining them. I don't like getting angry and especially not at kids, having to reiterate their attention on me by telling them to 'SHUT UP'!!! Basically, I was in a position of teaching where I received all the great responsibility of sharing knowledge and helping out where I could minus the agonising strength that it takes one to constantly demand discipline. Brilliant. And amongst this thinking some specific situations filtered to the surface. Unforgettable ones for that matter.

This one occasion occurred where I was teaching with Maia. We had been asked to accompany a class at the language institute. The teacher and the student (it was a private class - one student only) were working on asking questions to interview Maia and myself about where we came from and New Zealand. We entered the classroom and set ourselves up ready to answer politely. We also had access to the projector to display pictures on the big board for reference. Now that is where we entered dangerous territory, where the title comes into play. We'll get to that in a wee bit. So it was all going swimmingly, we explained the geography of our country and how there are two islands that make one country. Also the Haka and how big the All Blacks are. As well as flexing by saying that the 'Lord of the Rings' were filmed in our beautiful country. All classic pointers that have proven to be fascinating to foreigners. The student proceeds to ask her next question of which is: 'What is some typical food from your country?' New Zealand makes this question irritatingly difficult to answer, as I don't think we have too many 'typical' foods (just in my opinion). Or it is more like because we have so many options and so much variety, claiming that anything is typical of New Zealand becomes a tricky task - it would ultimately differ between each household.

How could I forget though - PAVLOVA! For anyone who does not know what Pavlova is, it is this big meringue cake usually served at Christmas time or any other special occasions. Normally topped off with whipped cream and fresh fruit - typically berries and kiwifruit. Will insert a picture below for reference:

Maia and I hop to the projector, and I proceed to type 'pavlova' into Google Images. Alas, my grammatical abilities were not on par whatsoever. In attempt to write 'pavlova' I completely swerved past that first 'v', resulting in 'palova'. Might I just say, I would have loved to know what 'palova' was before even daring to type it into the school's keyboard. Boy oh boy, did I not expect 'palova' to take such a dramatic effect. Blasted on the big screen now was a PORN STAR! Posing here, there and everywhere. Google Images had fully brought awareness of who 'palova' was to me, Maia, the teacher and the student - a PORN STAR! It could have been anything - really - but God must have just thought: "hey, how about we sprinkle some embarrassment into Ella's life?!" Gosh, he did! They must have been thinking New Zealanders were some crazies serving up some typical dishes of fishnet stockings and not a lot else.

My cheeks advanced to a subtle shade of tomato as I enter the red zone of humiliation. What an incredible first impression that the teacher and student received of New Zealand - unforgettable, to say the least. They were actually pretty cool about it and we all laughed hysterically together. I was laughing but really the inside my soul was searching for some dignity to retrieve myself from this self-embedded pickle. Oh well, life goes on and we move forward. Some moments will however stick with you as you transgress through life's obstacles.

Just for some piece of mind as you move forward in your own journey: if you are ever in a situation where someone who does not know what pavlova is and you proceed to head over to Google Images, be sure not to ever forget that middle 'v' as it will definitely either cause an awkward moment or possibly a very hilarious one - dependant on your audience.

P.S. the porn star does not appear on New Zealand servers. So, unlucky for you cheeky buggers wanting to look it up.

If you have any further questions based on this blog post or anything else in regards to this blog or personal queries, be sure to get in contact with me through this website or through the blog's instagram.


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This blog will encompass the life of a 19-year-old kiwi chica. Composed of stories, advice, life lessons, worldly observations, videos and whatever else Ella's life brings to surface.

For all of this and more, read my new found blog 'Born In 2000': established on the 28th of October, 2019. Where Ella Gibson explores her life that exceeds all limitations. Publications should be expected twice a week. Take this present moment now and rock it!

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